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Old 02-02-2009, 11:13 AM   #5
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Have a look at the Cams website, one of the Schedules of the Cams Manual deals with harnesses and gives details of mounting requirements (also when this is raised people talk about the danger of having a harness without a roll cage - you can't duck out of the way if the roof is crushed in). A hatch will need a bar at/near shoulder level to mount the shoulder straps (not the boot floor for reasons mentioned above) - this is where you will need an expert to look at your car. Normally the mount is part of a roll cage, but theoretically could be done without a whole cage. A roll cage manufacturer is probably the best place to start.

If the harness is removeable, then it shouldn't be an RTA issue should it? You can't have a harness and use the seat behind it regardless of legalities.
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