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Old 31-07-2008, 10:56 PM   #14
347ci Mazda RX4
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Originally Posted by SpoolMan
No there not looking for ANDRA sanctioning, the drag strip will now be just a drag strip all circuit racing will be done down the dummy grid straight, this is why the wall is moving back towards the drag track and the Christmas tree will be moved 15 meters down the track.
This way they can prep the track all day before a drag meeting and no other cars will be racing on the drag strip itself as you would know there is something going on there everyday, in regards to circuit racing, now they have there own straight.
I here there is a big push to bring some type of competition circuit racing back to Calder.
Our best hope for ANRDA racing rests with those who are behind the scenes trying to get a new track up, it will happen the question is when..
Perfectly put Spoolman.. cheers

The track will be up to FIA specs

Here's some updated from today

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